Who is Below That Hood?

Hello there! Thank you for stopping by! Firstly, thank you for clicking on a link to check out this page and welcome to my little slice of internet contribution.
I go by the moniker EvilSaint. The name came from instructing junior cyber security enthusiasts and giving my thoughts on the mindset required to operate in this field.
We all encounter similar scenarios no matter what title we go by, be it ethical hacker, penetration tester, red teamer or cyber-security consultant. Many of us are trusted with extremely sensitive information and classified document. We are typically given or end up achieving very high levels of system access in some of the most prominent organisations in the world. We all have a moral obligation to protect those that seek our services and give each client the best advice we can. While our job requires us to operate at a high level of consultancy, we also, at the same time, need to think like some of the evilest scum imaginable.

It takes a particular type of morally devoid person to hold a hospital's critical data files to ransom, deface a charitable companies web presence or perform denial of service attacks on those supporting core infrastructure. Entering this mindset and thinking about the worst that can be done in any given situation to help companies safeguard against this type of threat in the future is not an easy ordeal. It certainly isn't for everyone!
I guess a little about me wouldn't go amiss on a page titled about me... I am a cyber-security researcher and ethical hacker who is offensive security-focused. My passions are Weaponisation, Active Directory, Linux, DevOps, Programming, Automation, Containerisation and Virtualisation. I spend 60% of my time on a terminal, 30% in an IDE and 10% writing reports. I consider myself an operating system connoisseur, and I am constantly building various testing machines and experimenting with different tooling and techniques. I like teaching executives how to be more secure and make the C-levels more security conscious. I enjoy researching security vulnerabilities and sharing information that is helpful to fellow penetration testers which is the point of this website.