Automation For Pentesters Series - Part 1 Interlace

11 Jun 2021, 3:19 p.m.
10:03 minutes



    Step one, we clone the package from Github
    sudo git clone /opt/Interlace
    Step two, enter the directory and setup virtual environment

    This step is optional but if you do not follow then you will install all the python packages globally which may or may not be a good thing depending on setup.

    We use the cd command to change the directory and the virtualenv command

    cd /opt/Interlace
    virtualenv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    Step three, we install the program

    First the Pip packages

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

    Then install via the

    sudo python3.9 install

    This took a few minutes for me so maybe now is the time for that coffee.

    If you install interlace in a virtual environment then you will need to activate that environment before you use it

    source /opt/Interlace/venv/bin/activate
    interlace -h


    In the following examples, we will be looking at scans against one IP and multiple IP lists to compare.

    I have completed a discovery scan and I have the following IP addresses

    cat nmap-discovery.gnmap | grep 'Status: Up' | cut -d " " -f 2 | tee targets.txt

    I will put them in a file called targets.txt while we look at the syntax. Interlace allows us to run commands with things like thread taken care of. It allows variable substitution to keep scans looking uniform and handles some advanced functionality we would have to code ourselves.

    Blockers vs Blocks

    There are several key concepts you need to understand in order to benefit from the Interlace tool.


    A blocker prevents execution of commands following until all commands proceeding it has been completed. We can declare a blocker as follows



    Blocks can be used to run commands that you would like to run in sequence, for example creating a folder before attempting to store the input in it. Interlace tries hard to run as much in parallel as possible and keep your system resources fully balanced however some things just need to be run in a strict order!

    We can declare a block as follows

    mkdir _output_
    nmap _target_ -oA _output_/nmap-default

    Command Queue is Intelligent

    This is important! One of the key uses of Interlace is that you use it to run commands from a file. The commands are looped over for each of the targets and items you might want to provide as command-line flags or positional values are passed available to each command in the form of strings that are replaced on each iteration _target_, _port_ and _output_ for a few examples. See below for the full table.

    If however you put a line down that does not include any variables that need swapping out then Interlace will only run that command once.

    Without going into the technical aspects of running commands at the moment, if we ran the following two commands as part of a command file against a Cidr range then we would only get one DNS packet sent to Google and eight sent to the

    ping -c 1
    ping -c 1 _target_

    This is ideal as we wouldn’t want to ping google DNS every time we ping a new host.

    Running Commands

    We have two main ways of running commands. Either from a file or directly from the command line.

    From The Command Line

    Running Commands Direct From Terminal.
    Running Commands Direct From Terminal.

    Just to reinforce last point! When I do not use a replaceable target string the command runs just once.

    Command Runs Once Without Replaceable String.
    Command Runs Once Without Replaceable String

    Lastly, note if I give the command two ports but no _target_ then it will run once for each port.

    Adding Extra Ports Increases Command Variations.
    Adding Extra Ports Increases Command Variations.

    From a File

    When we create our scans from files we have more control and access to a few more features.

    Let us have a quick look at some of the variable replacement we have access to.

    Variable Replacement
    _target_ Replaced with the expanded target list that the current thread is running against
    _cleantarget_ Replaced with target cleanded from http:// or https://
    _host_ Works the same as _target_, and can be used interchangeably
    _output_ Replaced with the output folder variable from Interlace
    _port_ Replaced with the expanded port variable from Interlace
    _realport_ Replaced with the real port variable from Interlace
    _proxy_ Replaced with the proxy list from Interlace
    _random_ Replaced with the randomly chosen file from Interlace

    As we pass options to Interlace they become available to us in our scans.

    For example, if we start a scan off like this

    interlace -t -p 80 -o ./bug_bounty -cL

    We would have access to _target_, _port_ and _output_ variables within our Interlace command files (-cL is for providing Interlace with a list of commands). We might make a file such as

    mkdir -p _output_/_target_/nikto/
    nikto -host _target_ -port _port_ -output _output_/nikto/nikto-_target_-_port_.htm

    We put the commands in a block to ensure they run sequentially in their thread. We do not want Nikto trying to save to an output directory that does not exist.

    While Interlace can look impressive at first we can avoid some of the screen clutter by adding the following options --no-bar and --silent.

    interlace -t -p 80 -o ./bug_bounty -cL --no-bar --silent

    Epanding our example even further!

    Open up burpsuite and echo the default proxy address into a proxy.txt file.

    echo > proxy.txt

    Add the proxy option to Nikto

    mkdir -p _output_/_target_/nikto/
    nikto -host _target_ -port _port_ -output _output_/nikto/nikto-_target_-_port_.htm -useproxy _proxy_

    Now as we scan our scans are caught by burpsuite.

    Targets Being Proxied Via Burp.
    Targets Being Proxied Via Burp.

    One item we have not looked at yet is the -threads option. By default it is set to 10 but you can set it to what you want based on the performance of your machine.

    Making a CTF Fuzzer

    Step one, Helper Function
    Let us create a file as follows (There is a convention of calling interlace configurations as dot `il`)


    Inside the `` file we will write the following

    mkdir output && echo “made” ping -c 2 target

    Now we will run this on the command line 

    interlace -t -cL –no-bar -threads 15 –silent

    mkdir _target_ && echo "Made Directory For _target"
    ping -c 2 _target_


    Inside we will put the following

    rm -rf output mkdir -p output/target/scans/ mkdir -p output/target/scans/nmap mkdir -p output/target/scans/nmblookup mkdir -p output/target/scans/cme mkdir -p output/target/loot/ mkdir -p output/target/downloads/ mkdir -p output/target/shells/ blocker nmap -sSV -vv –script banner -A –top-ports=20 target -oA output/target/scans/nmap/nmap-target-quick-scan blocker nmap -T4 -sSV -vv -p- –max-retries=2 target -oA output/target/scans/nmap/nmap-target-full-65k-syn nmap -T4 -sUV -vv –top-ports=2000 –max-retries=1 target -oA output/target/scans/nmap/nmap-target-top-2000-udp blocker nmblookup -A target > output/target/scans/nmblookup/nmblookup-target.txt crackmapexec smb target > output/target/scans/crackmapexec/cme-target.txt

    We can now run our first command like so. 

    interlace -tL ./targets.txt -threads 10 -cL -o /pentest/output ```

    Variable Replacement target Replaced with the expanded target list that the current thread is running against cleantarget Replaced with target cleanded from http:// or https:// host Works the same as target, and can be used interchangeably output Replaced with the output folder variable from Interlace port Replaced with the expanded port variable from Interlace realport Replaced with the real port variable from Interlace proxy Replaced with the proxy list from Interlace random Replaced with the randomly chosen file from Interlace

    Captcha: What's the standard TCP port of the following service?
