Creating SMB Servers

22 Apr 2022, 6:20 p.m.
01:12 minutes

This article looks at two ways of creating an SMB Server. First, we use the impacket library to spin up an SMB server from the command line and then we look at creating an SMB share manually on our Kali Linux VM setting up the SAMBA service.


    Create SMB Servers


    python -username evilsmb -password evilpass -ip evilshare /root/payloads/

    Leaving -username and -password off of the command will create an anonymous share.


    Backing up the original smb.conf

    cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.bk

    Emptying our config file and then edit it so we can add only the lines we need

    root@evilsaint:/# >/etc/samba/smb.conf
    root@evilsaint:/# nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

    We make the following changes to our smb.conf

    cat /etc/samba/smb.conf
       workgroup = MARVEL
       comment = My Share For Sharing Files
       read only = no
       locking = no
       path = /root/Documents
       guest ok = no

    To create an smbuser, a normal user with the same name needs to be present on the system.

    We now need to add a user to access the smbserver

    root@evilsaint:/# smbpasswd -a evilsaint
    New SMB password:
    Retype new SMB password:
    Added user evilsaint.

    We can verify the user was created with pdbedit

    pdbedit -w -L
    evilsaint:1001:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:E9298AEE730720E27F879300509D911A:[U          ]:LCT-5A89C279:

    We now restart the service.

    service smbd restart

    Captcha: What's the standard TCP port of the following service?
