Curl For Pentesters

19 Apr 2022, 12:44 p.m.
01:28 minutes

Curl can be used for a number of useful activities during a pentest engagement. It can send HTTP Methods and data to an API endpoint, upload a file to a WebDav Server or grab server response headers, amongst other things. This article looks at a couple of practical uses for the Curl utility.



    Uploading a webshell to a WebDav server

    curl --user <user>:<pass> -T /ftphome/mshell.php --anyauth

    Break down of Flags

    Flag Description
    –anyauth Tells curl to figure out an authentication method by itself and use the most secure one the remote site claims to support.
    -T Upload-file
    -u, –user Specify User:Password credentials.

    HTTP Method

    Specify the method to use: POST, HEAD, PUT, GET, DELETE

    curl -X <Method>

    Banner grabbing for websites

    Includes the headers

    curl -i <ip>

    Includes headers and follows redirects

    curl -i -L <ip>

    Viewing Websites

    Looking at a webpage from the shell

    curl <ip> -s -L | html2text -width '99'

    robots.txt check

    curl <ip>/robots.txt -s | html2text

    Grep a page for all title and href tags

    curl -s -L | grep "title\|href" | sed -e s/^[[:space:]]*//


    Flag Description
    -i Include the HTTP header in the output.
    -o Output to a file
    -s for silent mode, better if you want to save it to file
    -L Follow redirects

    Captcha: What's the standard TCP port of the following service?
